Tuesday 5 May 2015

I've Just Seen: Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

Director: Arthur Penn
Writer: David Newman, Robert Benton
Notable Actors: Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, Gene Hackman
A great example of the American New Wave; you can see the French New Wave influence. This is not a typical biopic, and it certainly felt more 1960s than 1930s (especially Faye Dunaway's hair). However, what makes the film great is not historical accuracy, but its fresh approach to storytelling in American cinema. There is not real plot: the characters are not pursuing any overall goal, except eluding capture and enjoying their infamy. The many photographs in the film draw attention to the degree of fame these two garnered in their lifetimes. Even the police and witnesses of their crimes are shown basking in the notoriety.

The relationship between Bonnie and Clyde is interesting: Clyde is attracted to Bonnie, and clearly cares for her, but is impotent. Bonnie is far more open about her wants, hoping for a life of adventure and love. She is frustrated at Clyde impotence, as well as his intruding family. One gets the feeling she was hoping it would just be the two of them on the road. The movie was famous for its violence and it is easy to see why; there's a lot of blood from gunshots, something many modern action films don't show in such detail. The final scene is one of the best edited scenes from film: we see Bonnie and Clyde realise what is about to happen, and the last thing they do is to look enigmatically at each other.

1 comment:

  1. The production quality is really top notch and the new wave elements work brilliantly. Too bad I could not get myself to be engaged in the subject matter.
